Thursday, October 11, 2012

...for the Faithful

I give my body one sick day a year. 
That's all it deserves, really.
I have too many things to do to let my body slack off and slump around in a bathrobe while priorities rack up.

Unfortunately, my body had something else in mind. I'm coming off of a four-day cold and to the average joe this may seem short-lived, but for myself -who finds sickness a foreign concept- this bug has overstayed it's welcome.

In fact, I've had a lot of bugs overstay their welcome.
First, cockroaches.
Then, a colony of ants in my kitchen.
Now, the bug that every student at Chapman seems to cough all over everyone else.

I've had more problems in the past month and a half than I ever would have imagined accumulating. In the short timespan of moving out of my cozy home in Irvine and jumping straight into life as a Chapman student, I have lived in two apartments, dealt with physical threats, a towed car, the ending of my jobs,and struggled to make my first payment of rent, all topped off by an obnoxious cough, landing me the title of "That Girl" in the library everyone hates.

Yet I find myself waking up in the mornings reflecting on the positive aspects of this conundrum. 

I've discovered my credit is amazingly high, enjoyed researching for an investigative piece on exploitations in the apartment business, learned how to defend my renter's rights and take a corporation to small claims court, write my own checks, and have consumed a vast amount of soup. And at the end of the day, I'm still alive and counting my blessings.

I can honestly say I had never fully understood the phrase "Praise Him in the Storm" until this season in my life. Because yes, although I wake up in the mornings, drive to school, and find myself crying aloud wondering how I am going to make ends meet or how I even ended up in this situation, I end each upset tear with a joyful one, finding I can still rely on Him through it all. I surprise myself by how much faith I truly do have. And as awful as that may sound, I think there are many of us that can look at our lives and see how every decision we make is laced with doubt and fear that the One we turn to may not provide.

Where in your life are you faced with a battle that leaves you feeling defeated daily?

I'm not perfect, but I'm making strides towards becoming someone filled more and more with a daily joy. 
Yes, I am jobless.
Yes, I bite my nails raw worrying about finances.
And yes, I still despise the neighbor who towed my car.
But at the end of the day I see how blessed I am to be experiencing such trials that I have absolutely no control over.
At the end of my rope, His starts, and it makes sleeping at night just a little bit easier knowing that I can put my faith in Him and give my restless mind a few hours off.

Will you keep pulling on a rope that gives no slack or will you let go and trust in the One who is here to win the tug of war for you?

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